Mentor & Volunteer Application

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background info

Inward Bound Mindfulness will keep confidential all information provided in this application except as required for participation or as otherwise required by law.

Please read the Mentor Job Description before applying.

Questions? | 508-250-0628

Please note that Inward Bound has a policy that all volunteer staff must be 25 years or older in order to ensure a meaningful age difference between teens and staff.

Celebrating and Supporting Diversity and Inclusion 
We are an organization dedicated to diversity and inclusion. Being a place where people of all genders, sexual orientation, race, and background feel welcomed, included, and can share their strengths is vital to our success. We strive for all members of our community, including organizational staff, board members, and retreat teachers and mentors, to be well-informed and educated on issues of diversity. Before the retreat, we ask all staff to read a list of resources we have put together to build our capacity in these areas.

work experience

skills & references

I state that I have represented myself accurately on this application to be an Inward Bound mentor / volunteer / retreat staff.

Please note that by submitting this application you agree to be added to our mailing list. You may unsubscribe from our list at any time.